Our Earth

Earthinks is the social media platform where you connect to the Earth. Climate change is global and overwhelming. We have created Earthinks so that by sharing your observations, you contribute to positive impact. Think global, act local.

Your vision

On Earthinks you share your photos. You show what is needed, and you inspire what is possible. In the Thinkspots you realize regeneration and vital places together with others.

Our challenges

The global challenge is urgent. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) come to life when you map them in the Earthspots. By sharing your photos and comments, you make the SDGs relevant and stimulate local action.

Your places

On every Earthspot you ask: what does this place contribute to a sustainable world? And: what does this place need now? For example how can we promote biodiversity and reduce CO2 emissions here?

Your connections

Together you travel further. Earthinks is a personalised environment. You decide who are your connections, and the level of your visibility. Earthinks does not use controlling or suggestive algorithms.

Earthinks Pro

Earthinks Pro offers customized collaboration space for organizations from the market, government, community and knowledge.

I want Earthinks Pro


I want Earthinks Pro for my organization

Your data

Within Earthinks you are the owner of your data: Earthinks has no advertisements, is transparent and does not resell your data. We are not the ‘big guys’ in the world of social media, we built Earthinks to make a difference. By joining and sharing you can help us impact change.

Are you part of the solution?

Share your ideas and take action!

Earthspot + SDGs